Côte d'Ivoire
Capital city — Yamoussoukro
Country population
i2017/ World BankIncarceration rate (per 100,000 inhabit…
i31/05/2017/ Department of penitentiary administrationType of government
Human Development Index
Homicide rate (per 100,000 inhabitants)
Name of authority in charge of the pris…
Ministry of JusticeThe Department of…
Total number of prisoners
i31/05/2017/ Department of penitentiary administrationPrison density
i2017/ Department of penitentiary administrationTotal number of prison facilities
i2017/ Department of penitentiary administrationAn NPM has been established
Female prisoners
i2017/ Department of penitentiary administrationIncarcerated minors
2.2 %In June 2017, gir…
i2017/ Department of penitentiary administrationPercentage of untried prisoners
i2017/ Department of penitentiary administrationDeath penalty is abolished
yes, since 2015The death penalty…
Security, order, and discipline
Security measures
Security functions are fulfilled by
the prison administration
Some prison facilities, units or cells implement high-security measures
Prisoners are classified according to their supposed level of dangerousness
in some cases
Persons convicted of serious crimes and sentenced to life in prison are detained at the prison camp in Bouaké.
Coercive methods used for security are often handcuffs.
The use of such sanctions is left to the discretion of the director of the prison. No judicial review is in place.
Disciplinary regime
Sanctions depend on the prison facilities. They generally consist of the removal of visits, placement in isolation regime.
Prisoners are allowed to be assisted by a lawyer
The prison governor decides if a sanction is imposed.
Prisoners may appeal against disciplinary sanctions
The application of sanctions is left to the discretion of the prison governor. No judicial review measures are provided for.
Solitary confinement
Solitary confinement can be used as
- punishment
- security
Solitary confinement is decided
the prison governor