Bosnia and Herzegovina: convicts of Zenica prison sewed over 2,000 protective masks in only two days
In just two days, the convicts of the Zenica Correctional Institution sewed close to 1,500 protective masks to make available to those in need.
As Klix.ba news portal has learned, ten convicts have worked hard over the past two days to sew as many masks as they plan to donate to the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, which will deploy those masks to healthcare institutions and other institutions that need them.
The valuable work of the convicts in the past two days lasted 16 hours each, as they aimed to make as many masks as possible, and the work was stopped due to lack of sewing material. In the coming period, with the procurement of materials, they plan to sew up to 2,000 masks a week to provide to the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina in order to protect themselves against coronaviruses.
As Klix.ba has learned, they have sent an appeal for the insurance of materials to the competent institutions, which should meet them, which would continue the production of masks that are increasingly difficult to buy on the BiH market.