Prison Insider's launching

Not convinced? Enter, and read.

We are incredibly proud to announce the launch of Prison Insider, the site for information and discussion about the world’s prisons. From this point, you will all have access to the site at Prison Insider is the result of a large team effort, from conception through to the publication of data and articles on each country. We are still taking the first steps on this journey.

What will be required to bring this project to maturity? Prison Insider wants to denounce as strongly as possible the miserable situation faced by millions of people deprived their freedom. This imprisonment is too often marked by fear of violence and ill treatment.

Not convinced? Enter, and read. We know that the reality is infinitely darker than accounts we’ve gathered.

An enormous task lies ahead.

Our proposition has no equal in the world today. If we are to achieve our aims, we need you to support us in two ways:

Speak up. Once you’ve come to understand the situation, we need each and every one of you to spread the word. We can’t leave dignity and human rights to fate. Everything that can be said must be said. It’s up to you to ensure your country and community are represented.

Subscribe. The issue of prisoner rights doesn’t inspire courage among policy makers. Apart from a few welcome exceptions, there is little public or corporate support to fund issues concerning ordinary prisoners. We have enough support to gain our independence and it is now up to us to continue the fight. Subscribe and have your friends and family subscribe. Subscription is a small gesture but together we can gather a force capable of fighting poor prisoner treatment and injustice.

Bernard Bolze.