Mise en lumière du recours à la détention pratiqué par la Hongrie, alors que le Sous-comité des Nations Unies pour la prévention de la torture conclut sa visite
Hungary should immediately address the excessive use of detention, the UN Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture (SPT) said on Friday at the end of an 11-day visit to the country.
“We urge the Government of Hungary to effectively address the issue of alternatives to detention,” said Mari Amos, the Head of Delegation. “We also shared with the Government our serious concerns regarding the law recently adopted that would allow Hungary to detain all asylum seekers in closed facilities for an extended period of time. We will make recommendations concerning this in our confidential report to the authorities.”
The experts accompanied members of the independent national body known as the National Preventive Mechanism during their visit to the remand prison in Budapest. “The SPT encourages the Government to provide the necessary resources and strengthen the legal powers of the mechanism to enable it to continue and expand its important work,” the Head of Delegation added.
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