
Improving Italian prisons
Overview of the different spheres of action and militant activities of the association.
Monitoring prisons, studies on discrimination against foreigners, proposals on justice to the legislative candidates, reform for the penitentiary code and report on Italy’s juvenile detention facilities. Overview of the different spheres of action and militant activities of the italian association, Antigone.
Antigone is a cultural and political NGO that was born in the late eighties, conducts many studies and researches on penal and penitentiary issues, and cooperate in writing draft laws.
In 1998, Antigone received from the Ministry of Justice a special authorization to visit prisons with the same power that the law gives to parliamentarians and established an Observatory on Italian prisons involving around 50 people. Ever since, a report on Italian penitentiary system is published every year. Furthermore, lawyers and physicians operate in some Italian prisons giving suggestions and monitoring life conditions.
Standards of detention should not be just "minimum".
Antigone has prepared and presented a document with five proposals for candidates and parties to sign and endorse.
The downside of this reform program is that some guarantees have been undermined justifying it through the keyword "simplification".
The juvenile system has achieved up to now, and to moving away from the idea that imprisonment is an acceptable way to deal with minors.

Antigone is Prison Insider’s correspondent since November 2015. The organization defends human rights within the Italian penal and penitentiary system. They organize cultural events, publish thorough investigations, offer advice to authories writing normative texts and visit prisons.