February 2022

Tailandia: Liberan bajo fianza a una figura del movimiento prodemocracia
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish

Brasil: Pelea en una cárcel causa cinco muertos y 18 heridos
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish

España: La cárcel desde la mirada del Cine
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish
Uruguay: The straw that broke the camel’s back

Syrie : une dizaine de mineurs français dans la prison attaquée par l’EI
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French

Algérie : Une quarantaine de détenus du Hirak en grève de la faim
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French

Honduras: Violenta pelea en una cárcel deja al menos cuatro muertos y 11 heridos
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish

España : Instituciones Penitenciarias quiere trasladar 200 presos de la península a Ceuta
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish

Brasil: Visita del órgano de prevención de la tortura de la ONU para reforzar el mecanismo nacional de prevención de la tortura
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish
Austria: through the lens of the incarcerated

Nicaragua : deux figures de l’opposition condamnées pour « conspiration »
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French

Iran : Deux hommes exécutés pour homosexualité
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French