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Chine : les autorités confirment la détention de Gulshan Abbas, femme médecin ouïghoure, pour "terrorisme"

Women Asia Long-term prisoners Access to legal rights Justice Protest China

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French


France : indignité des conditions de détention et pressions subies par un détenu de la prison de Nanterre. Le Conseil d'Etat tacle l'administration.

Europe Access to legal rights Justice Health Material conditions France

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French


Turquía: nueva resolución sobre Osman Kavala deja claro que debe ser excarcelado de inmediato

Pre-trial detention Middle East Access to legal rights Justice Turkey

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish


Irán: seis hombres en peligro inminente de que les amputen los dedos tras juicios injustos y tortura

Middle East Access to legal rights Justice Death penalty Torture Violence Iran

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish


Egipto: estremecedor aumento de las ejecuciones revela profunda crisis de derechos humanos

Africa Access to legal rights Justice Health Death penalty Torture Violence Egypt

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France : en Bretagne, des protections gratuites dans les prisons contre la précarité menstruelle

Culture Women Europe Access to legal rights Justice Health Material conditions France

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French


Belgique : "on est revenu en pleine seconde vague à un taux de surpopulation assez élevé"

Coronavirus Culture Europe Access to legal rights Discipline Justice Health Mental health Overcrowding Activities Social ties Belgium

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French


Turquie : vingt ans après ma libération

Women Long-term prisoners Access to legal rights Justice Mental health Turkey

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French


Egypte : Amnesty dénonce une "frénésie d’exécutions" avec 57 mises à mort depuis octobre

Africa Access to legal rights Justice Death penalty Egypt

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French


République démocratique du Congo : des femmes détenues violées lors des émeutes à la prison de Lubumbashi

Africa Women Justice Health Mental health Violence Congo - Kinshasa

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French


Arabia Saudí: las auténticas reformistas están entre rejas

Women Middle East Access to legal rights Justice Protest Saudi Arabia

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish


China: cien días después, se deben respetar los derechos de los jóvenes de Hong Kong detenidos

Asia Minors Access to legal rights Justice China

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish


Cuba: Amnistía Internacional pide la liberación de dos presos de conciencia de San Isidro

Central America and the Caribbean Access to legal rights Justice Health Cuba

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish


Irán: deben detener la ejecución inminente del académico irano-sueco Ahmadreza Djalali

Middle East Access to legal rights Justice Death penalty Iran

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish


Grecia: deben retirarse los cargos contra activistas de los derechos de las mujeres, entre quienes hay personal de Amnistía

Women Europe Access to legal rights Justice Protest Greece

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish


Arabia Saudí: Loujain al-Hathloul debe ser liberada sin condiciones

Women Middle East Access to legal rights Justice Health Mental health Protest Saudi Arabia

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish


France : covid-19 dans les prisons, la Contrôleure générale alerte sur les conditions sanitaires

Coronavirus Europe Access to legal rights Justice France

This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French