Daily life

All prisoners are entitled to spend at least one hour a day in the open air


The prison service offers activities to prisoners


The NPM reports a limited offering of sports and professional activities.

/ National Agency for the Prevention of Torture, (Nationale Stelle zur Verhütung von Folter), "Annual Report 2021", p. 90 (in German).
  • A former prisoner has spoken out against the limited recreational options at the Heimsheim correctional facility. The available activities only address specific concerns such as drug or alcohol problems. Athletic activities are limited. Management denies these allegations, stating that volunteers provide athletic, musical and even culinary activities.

    / Badische Neueste Nachrichten

There are designated places for physical activities and sports


Most prisons have dedicated space for physical activities or sports. Prisoners have access to a gym even when no sport activities are planned.

Burg prison in Saxony-Anhalt offers yoga, pilates and bodybuilding classes.1 The Hünfeld (Hesse) correctional facility schedules 225 hours of sport per prisoner per week broken up into three sessions. The activities on offer are football, basketball, table tennis, badminton, aerobics, spinning and fitness training. Ping-pong tables, fitness blocks and small basketball courts are available in the yard.

  1. Lana Osment, “The Complexity of Rehabilitation in Open and Closed Prison Setting”, Lund University, 2018, p. 36. 

  • The Vechta correctional facility has partnered with an Osnabrück football club so prisoners can participate in training sessions with players from the club.

    / NDR

There are designated places for cultural activities


Most prisons offer art and craft workshops, in poetry, pottery, painting, etc. Burg prison in Saxony-Anhalt offers a book club and creative art therapy.1

  1. Lana Osment, “The Complexity of Rehabilitation in Open and Closed Prison Setting”, Lund University, 2018, p. 36. 

  • Prisoners at the Billwerder correctional facility have the possibility of participating in improvisational theatre workshops.

    / Bergedorfer Zeitung

Prison facilities have a library


Work is compulsory


Work is compulsory in most states. Five states have abolished mandatory work.

All prisoners are allowed to work


Prisoners in solitary confinement cannot work. There are not enough jobs available. Around 30% of the prison population cannot access work.

Labour as a punitive measure is prohibited


Prisoners can only work after a settling-in period, fixed by the prison administration at one month.

The main jobs offered are:

  • carpentry
  • metalworking
  • basic assembly work
  • maintenance work (cleaning, catering, laundry)1

Industrial assembly work is the most common job type.
At the Hünfeld (Hesse) correctional facility, prisoners can work in the following sectors: electricity, metalwork and manufacturing.
Every year leading up to Christmas, prisoners at the Torgau (Saxony) correctional facility sell products they have manufactured themselves. The sale takes place in stands located in front of the prison and on the Internet, on the Saxony prison service’s website.

  1. Lana Osment, “The Complexity of Rehabilitation in Open and Closed Prison Setting”, Lund University, 2018, p.33. 

The prison governor is responsible for work allocation. Allocation will consider capacities, competencies and expressed choices of the prisoners.

Maximum daily/weekly working hours are set, including at least one day of rest


Prisoners work eight hours a day, Monday to Friday. In Bremervörde prison, in Lower Saxony, prisoners work 35.5 hours per week, from 7am to 5pm, five days a week.

Prisoners are paid for their work


More than half the salary is deposited in a savings account. This aims to facilitate life after release. Where appropriate, one part is intended for the civil parties. The prisoner is free to have the remainder.
Prisoners from Rosdorf prison (Göttingen) contacted the Knast-Soligruppe Göttigen support group by mail. They spoke out about their working conditions, which according to them are unfavourable. Prisoners receive the main part of their salary upon release. The cash allocated to the Sicherungsverwahrte is replaced by vouchers.

See the section Persons sentenced to long-term imprisonment“ for more info on Sicherungsverwahrte.

  • Two prisoners won their case against the states of Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia after taking their grievance of underpaid work to Germany’s constitutional court. The wages for incarcerated individuals in these two states range from €1.37 to €2.30 per hour, while the German minimum wage is €12 per hour. The constitutional court did not define what constitutes a fair wage, leaving this decision to the legislative authorities.

    / Deutsche Welle

Salaries are

significantly below the national minimum wage

The hourly rate in prison varies from €1 to €3. The minimum monthly salary is €1,200 on the job market. It is €300 in prison.

Prisoners are paid on a piecework basis


Their income is subject to social contributions


Prisoners are excluded from the pension system.

Prisoners have the right to join trade unions


The Prisoners Union - National Organisation (Gefangenen-Gewerkschaft / Bundesweite Organisation - GG-BO) was created in May 2014 in the Tegel prison (Berlin). In 2016, GG-BO counted 850 prisoner members in more than 70 prisons. It is not exactly a trade union as they have no right to strike nor to negotiate collectively. The main demands of the GG-BO are the implementation of a legal minimum wage, full social security cover (pension, health insurance) and trade union freedom behind bars. GG-BO members complain about harassment: increased mail control, cell searches, exclusion from work or forced transfers.

In Heidering prison, external service providers have run education and vocational training programmes since 2013.1

  1. The Berlin Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection, “The Prison System in Berlin”, October 2015, p. 26, here in German

Education is provided

in all facilities

Secondary level classes are offered to prisoners who have not achieved this level.

  • Prisoners at the Würzburg correctional facility can pursue higher education via correspondence courses with the University of Hagen, but this is a unique situation in Bavaria. If a prisoner in another Bavarian facility wishes to take university courses for a bachelor’s or master’s degree, they must first be transferred to the Würzburg facility. Thirty-four people have studied there since 2011, including five who obtained diplomas. In March 2023, five students were enrolled. Students have access to a room equipped with eight computers and with books in order to complete their distance learning. They also receive financial compensation.

    / Süddeutsche Zeitung

Vocational training is provided


Many prisons offer vocational courses. In Berlin, prisons organise classes to gain qualifications to become a fitter, locksmith, cook, joiner, carpenter, gardener, automotive mechatronics technician and bicycle mechanic.1

  1. The Berlin Senate Department for Justice and Consumer Protection, “The Prison System in Berlin”, October 2015, p. 26, available here in German

Prisoners are allowed to keep themselves informed regularly on public affairs


Prisoners have access to a television

yes, rented

The prisoners in safe custody (Sicherungsverwahrte) from Rosdorf prison (Göttingen) lost the right to keep pornographic documents and DVDs in September 2017. They can no longer record TV programmes. They can watch repeat broadcast for three days.

See Persons sentenced to long-term imprisonment column for more info on Sicherungsverwahrte.

Prisoners have access to a radio


Prisoners have access to the press


The prison service allows access to Internet

in some states

Internet use in prison is debated. Pilot projects are run to allow prisoners to access employment agencies and one probation assistance website. This is the case in the state of Thuringia. All other websites are blocked.
Thep risoners in safe custody (Sicherungsverwahrte) from Rosdorf prison (Göttingen) are rallying for provision of internet access. They have access to seven websites. These sites are censored. As of 1 December 2022, the Lichtenberg women’s prison in Berlin is the first facility to have equipped all its cells with multimedia systems. Prisoners can access the internet, at their own expense, to make video calls in their cells, watch films, play games or browse websites. They cannot use the Internet freely. Only a limited selection of sites, such as those of the Land of Berlin, public libraries, the employment agency, online press and vocational training resources are available. Social networks and services such as Youtube, Netflix and Spotify are blocked. Access to e-mail is not available. This new system makes it cheaper to contact family and friends. The price of a call drops from EUR 0.07 per minute to EUR 0.03. Video calls cost EUR 0.20 per minute.

The most represented religions are Protestantism and Catholicism. Islam is in second or third place in some states 1. Most of the prisoners have no religious affiliation.2

  1. Irene Becci, “Religion and Religions in Prisons: Observations from the United States and Europe” in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 14 August 2017, p. 244. 

  2. Sarah J. Jahn, “Being Private in Public Space? The ‘Administration’ of ‘Religion’ in German Prisons”, in Journal of Religion in Europe 4/2016, p. 409. 

Prisoners are free to practice their religion and follow their beliefs


Prisoners can receive visits from a minister of their faith 1. Conversations between them are confidential.

Imams are mostly volunteers. As they lack in numbers in some states, they cannot assist all prisoners who make a request. Muslim chaplaincy is the subject of debate. Most states express willingness to offer one. However, there are no contracts with Muslim organisations. The provisions for religion in public law are based on Catholicism. German law is not adapted to the characteristics of Islam. 2

  1. Irene Becci, “Religion and Religions in Prisons: Observations from the United States and Europe”, in Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 14 August 2017, p. 244. 

  2. Sarah J. Jahn, “Being Private in Public Space? The ‘Administration’ of ‘Religion’ in German Prisons”, in Journal of Religion in Europe 4/2016, pp. 405-416. 

Dedicated places of worship are available

in all facilities

Each prison has a space in which it is possible to organise a collective religious service (mainly worship, but also Bible study groups). Some older prisons have a chapel. Places of worship (chapels or multi-cultural rooms) can, in any case, be for everyone’s use. Volunteer chaplains meet religious prisoners in a room reserved for visitors.

There are chaplains in the prisons

depends on the religion

The prison service remunerates the chaplains

depending on the religion

Chaplains are paid when the administration deems that the number of participants is sufficient. Each facility usually pays one Catholic and one Protestant chaplain. Some receive only half of their salary or are volunteers for the reason stated above (Saxony, Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania, Brandenburg, Thuringia, etc.).

Individuals or organisations from the outside are allowed to participate in prison activities


Authorisations for external actors to take part in prison activities are provided by

the prison administration

Prisoners are allowed to make use of financial resources


Financial resources are accessible

in a named account

The named account is funded by four types of sources:

  • funds given by relatives
  • remuneration for work done in detention (3/7 of the salary)
  • release earnings (4/7 of the salary). This account is not provided for in the prison laws of Brandenburg, Mecklenburg-Western-Pomerania, Rhineland-Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony and Thuringia
  • funds which the prisoner had prior to their arrest. While in prison, prisoners cannot manage the money they accumulated prior to their incarceration.

Destitute prisoners receive financial or in-kind support


Those detained without resources and who unable to work receive financial assistance. The administration pays them an allowance of approximately €35 per month. This amount varies according to the prison.

Prisoners are allowed to discuss matters relating to their conditions of imprisonment


Discussions about the conditions of detention between prisoners and prison authorities take place within a pre-established legal framework: the principle of co-responsibility of prisoners (Gefangenenmitverantwortung, GMV). This framework entitles their elected representative to take part in the decision-making process concerning prison life. This representative conveys the concerns of their fellow inmates to the administration.

For more information on the principle of co-responsibility of prisoners, see Sarah Watts’ thesis, University of Münster (2013).

Prisoners have the right of association


Prisoners do not have the right to strike. They do not have the right of collective negotiation.

Prisoners have the right to vote


By court order and in exceptional circumstances, a prisoner can be deprived of the right to vote. Such deprivation may be pronounced in cases of treason or high treason against the Federal Republic of Germany.

Prisoners in an open facility may go to the polling station or cast a postal vote.

Those in closed facilities cast a postal vote. The prison administration guarantees vote confidentiality and the ballot papers are placed in sealed envelopes.

The publication is subject to censorship. The Lichtblick, published at Tegel prison, in Berlin, is the only one not subject to censorship. The authorities have tried, unsuccessfully, to reduce its freedom.

  • The Siegburg correctional facility has launched a podcast on which prisoners can recommend books from the prison library.

    / WDR