AIDS - Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
CGP - Penitentiary Police Corps
CPT - European Committee for the Prevention of Torture
DGPJ - General Directorate for Justice Policy
DGRSP - General Directorate of Reintegration and Prison Services
GISP - Prison Security Intervention Group
HIV - Human immunodeficiency virus
LGBTI - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Intersex
MNP - National Prevention Mechanism
NGO - Non-Governmental Organisation
OPCAT - Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture
PEP - Personal educational project
RNR - Risk, Needs, Responsitivity
SNS - National Health Service
SPACE I - European Sourcebook of Crime and Criminal Justice Statistics
SPT - Sub-committee for the prevention of torture
STD - Sexually transmitted disease/infection (STD/STI)
UNCAT - United Nations Convention against Torture
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme