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People arriving with a prescription must receive medical treatment without delay. In the absence of a prescription, the prison doctor decides on the treatment. The prisoner is then examined by a medical specialist.
Any treatment based on psychotropic drugs must be specifically prescribed by a specialist doctor.[^manual1]
Incarcerated people do not have the opportunity to consult a doctor of their choice.

  • A prisoner is drawing attention to access to health care, stating that she has only received painkillers to treat her health problems, despite having trouble moving about and sitting.

    / Kapitalis

The prison service offers activities to prisoners

in some facilities

The Prisons Act allows access to number of activities:

  • A daily walk of at least one hour
  • The library
  • Studies
  • Cultural and sporting activities
  • Paid work (only for convicted prisoners)

In practice, the activities take place very infrequently. Reasons given include lack of financial resources, overcrowding and strict security procedures. Only a small number of prisoners have access to the activities. Many accounts mention the use of corruption in order to benefit from them.

  • On 12 December, prisoners at El Houareb exhibited their artwork as part of the prison service’s programme “a creative prisoner, a prisoner who loves art”.

    / Tunisie Numérique

It is the prisoners’ responsibility to clean the dormitory. The dormitory head is responsible for the distribution of tasks among occupants. The maintenance of the common areas is carried out by prisoners assigned to work in the facility or those punished with chores.

  • The President of the National Body for the Prevention of Torture stated that all prisons in Tunisia, with the exception of Oudhna Prison, do not meet hygienic standards.

    / L'Économiste Maghrébin

The prison service is required to meet nutritional standards regarding quality and quantity


The Prison Health Service approves the weekly menu and must oversee the nutritional quality of the meals.
In practice, the quality and quantity of the food provided is deemed inadequate. Meals are usually made up of bread and vegetable sauce.

  • The President of the National Body for the Prevention of Torture stated that all prisons in Tunisia, with the exception of Oudhna Prison, do not meet nutritional requirements.

    / L'Économiste Maghrébin

Prison density

126.4 %


The prisons hold 22,964 persons in spaces meant for 19,382. Reports published by some organisations mention occupation rates of up to 300% in certain facilities.

  • The President of the National Body for the Prevention of Torture stated that all prisons in Tunisia, with the exception of Oudhna Prison, are overcrowded.

    / L'Économiste Maghrébin

Collective movements are recorded


  • Around twelve prisoners at the El Mornaguia civil prison began a hunger strike on 31 December 2022. Some are in a critical state of health. The Observatory of Rights and Freedoms has reported that the prisoners at Mornaguia are subjected to poor, unsanitary living conditions, in which overcrowding is combined with insufficient beds, no medical care, limited visits and no access to physical or cultural activities.

    / Observatoire sécurité

Some prison facilities, units or cells implement high-security measures


Mornaguia prison is the only one which has a pavilion with increased security and surveillance. People accused or convicted of terrorism are usually placed in this building. The other facilities place prisoners considered dangerous in isolation.

  • Cameras are installed in the cells of certain political prisoners in the El Mornaguia prison. They are constantly filming. In principle, installing such equipment is only justified in certain spaces for the protection and safety of officers and prisoners. The National Authority for Protection of Personal Data (INPDP) says that the facility should remove the cameras and present the necessary evidence to receive authorisation.

    / Observatoire sécurité