Noticias 13 de octubre de 2016 États-Unis : révélations sur les séquelles psychiques de la torture américaine Lo sentimos, este artículo no está disponible en español. Puede consultar la versión en francés.
Noticias 8 de octubre de 2016 États-Unis : et la Californie inventa la prison payante ! Certains condamnés peuvent choisir de purger leur peine dans une prison municipale plus confortable que celle du comté. À condition de payer… (…) En Californie, certains individus ont le droit – avec l’aval du juge – de choisir le lieu de leur détention. Ils peuvent décider d’aller dans l’établisse…
Noticias 25 de septiembre de 2016 USA : no touching. No human contact. The hidden toll on jail inmates who spend months or years alone in a 7x9 foot cell In nearly three years, Dominic Walker rarely looked another human being in the eye. Except for showers, he left his cell at Men’s Central Jail in downtown Los Angeles only once a week, to exercise in a small cage resembling a dog kennel. His conversations were typically shouted through cell bars to…
Noticias 19 de septiembre de 2016 USA : how one inmate discovered his private prison was ripping him off—and took his warden to court Thousands of inmates file lawsuits against their prison every year. Most who sue without a lawyer are unceremoniously dismissed without much legal back-and-forth. Michael Leatherwood, an inmate in a private prison in Oklahoma, is an exception. He’s gotten notably further with his lawsuit, which all…
Noticias 15 de septiembre de 2016 USA : for Obama, a shift in clemency strategy For 126 federal inmates who received presidential clemency last month, the good news might have come with a dose of disappointment. President Obama had granted their requests for commutations, using his constitutional pardon power to shorten their sentences for drug offenses. But instead of releasi…
Noticias 12 de septiembre de 2016 USA : the true cost of mass incarceration exceeds $1 trillion Lo sentimos, este artículo no está disponible en español. Puede consultar la versión en inglés.
Noticias 12 de septiembre de 2016 USA : the true cost of mass incarceration exceeds $1 trillion In recent years, the bipartisan push for criminal justice reform has been fueled in large part by the astronomical price tag that comes with mass incarceration. Locking people up in federal, state, and local correctional facilities costs the government a whopping $80 billion, and taxpayers end up f…
Noticias 10 de septiembre de 2016 États-Unis : harcelée en prison, Chelsea Manning en grève de la faim pour défendre se transsexualité Afin d’obtenir les soins hormonaux nécessaires à son changement de sexe comme obtenu en justice, Chelsea Manning, incarcérée pour son rôle dans la révélation du scandale WikiLeaks, a annoncé ce samedi qu’elle arrêtait de se nourrir. “Je ne demande rien d’autre que la dignité et le respect”. Tels so…
Noticias 10 de septiembre de 2016 USA : Incarceration in the U.S. costs more than $1 trillion a year, Washington University study claims The economic toll of incarceration in the U.S. tops $1 trillion, and more than half of that falls on the families and communities of the people incarcerated, according to a recent study by Washington University researchers. “For every dollar in corrections spending, there’s another 10 dollars of ot…
Noticias 9 de septiembre de 2016 USA : treating young offenders like adults is bad parenting Part of the philosophy for creating a separate juvenile-justice system in the United States is the idea that the state can act as a parent, or parens patriae—protector, caretaker, disciplinarian—when a young person fails to respect the rights of others, commits petty or serious crimes, or shirks ag…
Noticias 9 de septiembre de 2016 Etats-Unis: un camp de détention de Guantanamo fermé Le ministère de la Défense américain a annoncé ce jeudi 8 septembre la fermeture d’un des camps de détention de Guantanamo. Le camp 5, qui comprenait 100 cellules, sera reconverti en hôpital. 8 millions et demi de dollars seront investis pour cette transformation dans l’année à venir. A quatre mois…
Noticias 7 de septiembre de 2016 USA : This Week May See the Largest Prison Strike in US History Across 24 states, inmates are sick of poisoned water, solitary confinement, and forced labor. This September 9, we may witness the largest prison strike in US history. Potentially thousands of inmates across both state and federal prisons in as many as 24 states plan to engage in a coordinated stri…
Noticias 6 de septiembre de 2016 Estados Unidos : Reos ‘trafican’ comida en cárceles, por carencias Cosas tan simples como un cigarrillo, un chicle o una sopa instantánea son la “moneda” de los reos ante las limitantes de artículos personales y el rechazo a la comida de los penales. Esto es lo que afirman algunos presos paseños y el reciente estudio de un sociólogo de la Universidad de Arizona qu…
Noticias 5 de septiembre de 2016 USA : Hampton Roads jail deadliest in state, according to review RICHMOND — Inmates died nearly nine times more often in custody at Hampton Roads Regional Jail than at other local or regional jails in Virginia during the past three years, according to an analysis of statistics from two state agencies. Since June 2013, 12 of the 6,716 inmates who have been locked…
Noticias 23 de agosto de 2016 USA : private prison companies are embracing alternatives to incarceration Last Thursday, private prison stocks dropped like a rock when the Department of Justice announced that it would be phasing out its use of for-profit detention facilities. If you were an investor who had no ethical qualms about profiting from an industry that’s been accused of perpetrating a number…
Noticias 18 de agosto de 2016 États-Unis : le ministère de la Justice ne veut plus recourir aux prisons privées Le ministère américain de la justice a annoncé, vendredi 18 août, vouloir mettre fin au recours par l’Etat fédéral aux prisons privées. Cette décision se traduira par le non-renouvellement des contrats arrivant à leur terme signés avec des entreprises gérant des prisons.
Noticias 1 de agosto de 2016 États-Unis : une Américaine a passé trois jours en prison sans pantalon ni protections hygiéniques La juge qui l’a reçue en comparution a été outrée du traitement qu’elle avait subi et a commué sa peine. La scène se déroule lors d’une audience dans le Kentucky, à Louisville, le 29 juillet. La caméra du tribunal filme la juge Amber Wolf, empêtrée dans ses papiers. Elle reçoit une accusée qui ne s…
Noticias 18 de julio de 2016 USA : mass incarceration is making infectious diseases worse Depriving people of condoms and medications puts everyone at risk. Some countries do make condoms available to prisoners, while others cite security issues, or blanket prohibitions of sex. Only last year, California became the second state to require that condoms be available to all prisoners. Even…
Noticias 6 de julio de 2016 USA : when prisons are toxic to both humanity and the environment Activists are taking aim at mass incarceration, environmental pollution and the toxic prisons where the two problems meet. Nestled in the hills of Letcher County, Kentucky, the Lilley Cornett Woods are a sea of biodiversity. The 554 acres are home to over 530 species of flowering plants and the end…
Noticias 15 de junio de 2016 USA : federal officials ignored years of internal warnings about deaths at private prisons In February, The Nation reported that at least 38 men died in the BOP’s privately run prisons from 1998 to 2014 in the wake of inadequate medical care. An examination of thousands of pages of previously unreleased files revealed that gravely ill prisoners had been left untreated, or relegated to th…
Noticias 24 de mayo de 2016 USA : Tennessee's new prison stops taking inmates Tennessee’s newest prison has stopped taking inmates after just four months of full operation. Records obtained by The Associated Press suggest why.
Noticias 18 de mayo de 2016 USA : mass reduction of California prison population didn’t cause rise in crime, two studies find After California’s prison population reached the crisis stage of overcrowding — with some prisons at 300 percent capacity — the state in 2011 began to parole thousands of inmates to their original counties. Within 15 months, more than 27,500 inmates had been “realigned” from state prisons to county…
Noticias 6 de abril de 2016 Etats-Unis : les prisonniers séropositifs privés de soins en Louisiane Human Right Watch (HRW) a reccueilli les témoignages d’anciens détenus précedemment incarcérés dans des prisons de la Louisiane (sud des États-Unis), sur la dangereuse absence de soins en matière de VIH. HRW a publié à ce sujet un rapport émettant plusieurs recommandations afin de réformer ce systè…