Capital city — Bern
Country population
Incarceration rate (per 100,000 inhabit…
i2024Type of government
Human Development Index
Homicide rate (per 100,000 inhabitants)
Name of authority in charge of the pris…
Total number of prisoners
Prison density
Total number of prison facilities
An NPM has been established
Female prisoners
Incarcerated minors
Percentage of untried prisoners
Death penalty is abolished
Security, order, and discipline
Security measures
Security functions are fulfilled by
Some prison facilities, units or cells implement high-security measures
Relatives who enter the prison are searched using the following methods
Professionals who enter the prison are searched using the following methods
Individual acts of protest are recorded
Disciplinary regime
Breaches of discipline are clearly defined in writing
Prisoners may appeal against disciplinary sanctions
Solitary confinement
Solitary confinement can be used as
The duration for placement in solitary confinement is limited