Contributor(s)Daniel Fink, Infoprisons

Daily life

All prisoners are entitled to spend at least one hour a day in the open air


The prison service offers activities to prisoners


There are designated places for cultural activities


Work is compulsory


Number and percentage of prisoners who work


Variation in the number of prisoners who work


Prisoners are paid for their work


Salaries are


Their income is subject to social contributions


Authority(ies) in charge of education and vocational training


Education is available for all prisoners


The prison service implements measures to fight illiteracy


Prisoners are allowed to pass diplomas and entry examinations


Vocational training is provided


Vocational training is available for all prisoners


Distance courses are available


Prisoners are allowed to keep themselves informed regularly on public affairs


Prisoners have access to a television


Prisoners have access to a radio


Prisoners have access to the press


The prison service allows access to Internet


Prisoners are free to practice their religion and follow their beliefs


Dedicated places of worship are available


There are chaplains in the prisons


The prison service remunerates the chaplains


Individuals or organisations from the outside are allowed to participate in prison activities


Authorisations for external actors to take part in prison activities are provided by


Prisoners are allowed to make use of financial resources


Financial resources are accessible


Prisoners are allowed to discuss matters relating to their conditions of imprisonment


Prisoners have the right to vote
