Palestinians in Israeli prisons: “a catalogue of violations”
This is why you should pay attention to the treatment of Palestinians in Israeli prisons now
The increase in detained Palestinians in Israeli prisons since 7th October has reportedly resulted in overcrowding, deprivation of medical treatment, and restriction of drinking water and food. NGO and media reports also document violent and degrading arrests. Maha Aon and Marie Brasholt from DIGNITY – Danish Institute Against Torture draw the portrait of an alarming reality. Read their op-ed.
Israeli and Palestinian NGOs report that detained Palestinians are facing restriction and deprivation of medical treatment.
Israeli and Palestinian NGOs have reported the death in custody of four men shortly after their arrest.
The current developments in Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories are cause for alarm.

Maha Aon
Senior Public Health Advisor at DIGNITY
Maha Aon work focuses on the nexus between human rights and public health. She coordinates a series of fact sheets on the health consequences of torture and ill-treatment methods. Maha is a PhD candidate focusing on the health of incarcerated persons.

Marie Brasholt
Medical Director at DIGNITY
Marie Brasholt is a specialist in public health and administrative medicine. She is a member of the UN Subcommittee for Prevention of Torture as well as the Danish National Preventive Mechanism and has visited prisons in many parts of the world. During visits, she focuses mainly on the health aspects of prevention of torture.

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