During my six years of imprisonment, my family came several times from Iran to Türkiye to visit me. But the Turkish Ministry of Justice never authorized my parents, whose hearts were full of hope, to see me.
The Ministry of Justice authorized them to visit me, just once, when I was in Diyarbakır prison. But three or four months later, I found out that the prison administration rejected this visit.
In 2015, when I went to Van, my mother, father and my sibling came from Iran to attend my hearing. The clerk prevented them entry. The authorities have refused or not even taken into consideration their several demands to see me.
While I was in Diyarbakır, my family prepared and sent all the documents required to make a telephone call. But the authorities lost these documents and ignored all their requests to communicate with me.
— Words are fading away¶
My native language is Persian. But as time goes by I cannot even write in Persian. I am about to forget my native language. After all those years, I obtained the permission to communicate with my elder sister. I am unable to speak with her because I have almost forgotten my native tongue. I am ashamed. My niece told me on the phone that she was unable to understand me.
I have the same problem with the radio. Radios that broadcast channels of Persian stations are forbidden for sale. In Iran nowadays, there are serious events that take place. I have no news about it. Here, I am forced to read and write in Turkish.