Seen in the press
Read our selection of press reports about this country. This is a short description of prison conditions on a national scale. It gives an account of the preceding year’s events.
Belarus: Ikea subcontractors resort to forced labour in Belarus prisons
The Baggebo bookcase, the Kullen chest of drawers and the Brimness bed: all these flagship items manufactured by Ikea, the furniture giant, have something in common. Until the beginning of the war in Ukraine, they were made in one of the world’s most brutal dictatorships, Belarus.
Bielorrusia: las autoridades atacan a menores de edad para reprimir la disidencia
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish

Bielorrusia: mas autoridades impulsan actuaciones penales masivas contra cientos de manifestantes pacíficos
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: Spanish

Biélorussie : les protestataires libérés racontent les tortures en prison
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French

Belarus: un prisonnier condamné à mort exécuté
This article is not available in English. This article is available in the following versions: French