
  • ASL - Local Health Authority (Aziende sanitarie locale)
  • ATSM - Dedicated Area for those with Mental Health Problems (Articolazione per la tutella della salute mentale)
  • CC - Pre-Trial prison (Casa circondariale)
  • CR - Detention Center (Casa di reclusione)
  • ECHR - European Court of Human Rights
  • CPA - First-Reception Centre (Centro di prima accoglienza)
  • CPT - European Committee for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
  • ICAM -Low Security Custody Institution for mothers in prison (Istuti a custodia attenuata per detenute madri)
  • IPM - Prison Facilities for Minors (Istuti penali per i minorenni)
  • NPM - National Preventive Mechanism
  • NIC - Central Investigation Unit (Nucleo invegastivo centrale)
  • WHO - World Health Organization
  • OPG - Carceral Psychiatric Facility (Ospedale psichiatrico giudiziario)
  • REMS - Residences for the Execution of Security Measures (Residenza per l’esecuzione delle misure si sicurezza)
  • SPACE - Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics (Statistiques pénales annuelles du Conseil de l’Europe)
  • SPT – Subcommittee on the Prevention of Torture
  • SSN - National Health Service (Servizio sanitario nazionale)
  • UCOII - Union of Islamic Community and Organisations in Italy (Unione delle comunità e organizzazioni islamiche in Italia)
  • PNUD - United Nations Development Programme