Seen in the press
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Italy: 50 prison suicides, 16 more than in 2023 says Ombudsman
“This is a high figure compared to the same month of July in 2023 and 2022, when 34 were recorded (with an increase of 16 deaths)” read the guarantor’s report. “There are 48 men and 2 women, 27 are Italian and 23 foreigners, from 14 different countries.
Italie : En prison, “la génération de mafiosi la plus cultivée de tous les temps”
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Italia: Italia investigará sus cárceles tras la difusión de un vídeo que exhibe las palizas de oficiales a los presos
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Italia: 52 warders arrested over prison lockdown violence
Italian police on Monday arrested 52 prison officers on suspicion of mistreating prisoners in quelling a riot sparked by a case of COVID-19 among inmates in the middle of the first virus lockdown last year. Naples police sent in special penitentiary police forces after the April 6 riot at the jail…
Italia: detenidos en Francia siete exmiembros de las Brigadas Rojas italianas
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Italie: en prison avec des djihadistes, Cesare Battisti démarre une grève de la faim
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Italy: government looks to reverse flood of mafiosi leaving jail over coronavirus
ROME (Reuters) - Elderly mobsters recently let out of jail over fears they might catch the new coronavirus in Italy’s overcrowded prisons may soon be put back behind bars, Justice Minister Alfonso Bonafede said on Wednesday following an outcry. Some 376 mafiosi and drug dealers have been allowed to…

Italy: l'Etat critiqué pour ses conditions de détention dans un rapport du Conseil de l'Europe
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