
All incarcerated people are admitted to prison with a valid commitment order


The 1999 penitentiary law provides for it in article 15. The 2011 Moroccan Constitution defines arbitrary or secrete detentions such as “extremely serious crimes” in article 23.
However, such cases are suspended. In particular, for individuals pursued for acts of terrorism or menaces against national security. They are generally arrested without this being mentioned. They are detained in private areas and are sometimes interrogated under torture.
Arbitrary detention could result from surpassing the maximum duration of pre-trial imprisonment (one year). Such irregularities have been recorded. 1

Around 120 people were detained for their political or religious opinions in September 2021, according to the Moroccan Association for Human Rights (Association marocaine des droits humains, AMDH). The association also identified dozens of summonses, arrests and judicial proceedings on similar grounds.

  1. United Nations Council for Human Rights, “Working Group Report on Arbitrary Detention- Morocco Mission”, 2014, p. 8. 

Incarcerated people can inform their families about their imprisonment


The 1999 penitentiary law provides for it in article 22. Prisoners can inform a relative where they are being incarcerated following prison registration formalities.

Newly incarcerated people are held in specific arrival units

in some facilities

A copy of the prison regulations is made available to incarcerated people


A guide is given to arriving prisoners. It particularly gives information on detention regimes, disciplinary regulations, and ways to express complaints. This information is given orally to illiterate prisoners (Moroccan Penitentiary Reference, 2016-2020 DGAPR strategy, rule 17).

Assignment criteria in cells depend on the classification of the prisoner (A, B, or C). An evaluation is made upon admission. This includes a security risk inspection (escape, presumed hazard, assumed radicalisation…) and suicidal inspection (Moroccan Penitentiary Reference, 2016-2020 DGAPR strategy, rule 10). A doctor must then be consulted (Penitentiary Law, article 134).

Prisoners with life sentences are separated from the rest of the prison population.

The staff responsible for admission is not currently trained to detect prisoners at risk of self-harm or harm to others. A reform is currently ongoing with the European Union Technical Assistance Project for 2019-2021.

Incarcerated people can be assisted by a lawyer throughout their incarceration


The assistance of a lawyer is only authorised upon imprisonment and during the trial. It is not authorised during the disciplinary committee.

Incarcerated people have access to a legal aid centre

in most cases

Organisations like the Moroccan Observatory of Prisons (OMP) or the National Human Rights Council (CNDH) guide prisoners in certain prisons.

Penitentiary law states that communication between the prisoner and their lawyer “occurs freely, in a space adapted for this purpose” (article 80).

Deaths in custody are logged in a register


The total number of deaths is published every year in the DGAPR Activities Report.

Number of deaths in custody


/ prison service, Report 2021, p. 152, tableau 45.

This number includes four women and 30 defendants. The majority of deaths (77.2 %) occurred in the hospital, 7.6 % in the prison infirmary, and 5.6 % in the rest of the detention centre.

  • 186 deaths were logged in 2022. This figure is 8.82% lower than in 2021.

    / TelexPresse

Variation in the number of deaths in custody


The number of deaths decreased by 4,23 % between 2020 (213)1 and 2021 (204).

  1. administration pénitentiaire, Rapport 2020, p. 159, tableau 43. 

Number of deaths attributed to suicide

Data not disclosed

The number of deaths attributed to suicide is not included in the official statistics.

  • A prisoner took his own life by hanging in his cell at Ras El Ma central prison. Just a day earlier, a fellow prisoner died by suicide in the same way at the Oujda prison. Both were on death row for acts of terrorism.

    / Yabiladi

Death rate in custody (per 10,000 prisoners)



National suicide rate (per 10,000 inhabitants)


7,2 for 100 000 inhabitants


The prison administration must notify a judicial authority for

all deaths

The law states that all deaths are reported to the prison administration director, crown prosecutor and appropriate judiciary authority. This rule is equally valid in cases of accidents or severe illnesses, followed by hospitalisation (Penitentiary Law, Article 24).

Every detainee must choose one or some relatives to inform in case of an unforeseen situation during their admission. The head of the prison is responsible for informing this person immediately in the case of death (Penitentiary Law, Articles 23 and 24).

The body of the deceased is treated according to the Islamic Sharia law.

Suicide prevention policies are implemented

in most facilities

The implemented suicide prevention measures are:

  • individual interviews with a psychologist or social service agent, followed by a warning to the incarceration supervisor.

  • collective interventions with prisoners.

DGAPR and the Danish Institute Against Torture (DIGNITY) have together created a guide to suicide prevention, suicide attempts, and violations to the physical integrity of correctional facilities.

Torture, violence, and ill-treatment allegations are signaled by the Moroccan NGOs and prisoners themselves to the Executive Officer.

On 8 November 2022, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International spoke out against the arbitrary detention of 19 Sahrawi men. They were convicted and have been imprisoned for 12 years on the basis of their suspected involvement in the violence that occurred on 8 November 2010 in Laâyoune. Eleven police officers and three civilians were killed after a protest encampment was broken up by law enforcement. The trials were fraught with “confessions” obtained through torture.

The United Nations’ Committee against Torture condemned Morocco in 2021 for violations of the Convention against Torture in three cases related to this event.The Committee questions the probative value of the delayed investigations led by the Moroccan justice system concerning these allegations of torture. Since 2017, the 19 men have been scattered across the country. Most of them had lived in Laâyoune before but are now over a thousand kilometres away. They all ask to be transferred to closer prisons.
Several of them led several hunger strikes to protest the violations of their fundamental rights, in particular as they have been refused care and family visits and have been excessively placed in solitary confinement.

  • The Sahrawi community has appealed to the UN, urging it to insist that Morocco adhere to the Convention against Torture. Concurrently, the Sahrawi community residing in France has announced that it is closely monitoring the treatment of Sahrawi prisoners from the Gdim Izik group, accusing the Moroccan authorities of subjecting these prisoners to harassment and abuse.

    / Algérie patriotique
  • A 40-minute video documents the sexual assault of a prisoner. In it, the victim recounts the attack and alleges that the medical personnel were complicit in concealing the incident.

    / Watan
  • The French human rights activist Claude Mangin raised the alarm over the ongoing abuse faced by Sahrawi prisoners in Moroccan prisons. She is particularly worried about the well-being of three Sahrawi students, imprisoned for seven years, who have been on a hunger strike since 20 February.

    / Sahara Press Service

The prohibition of torture is enshrined in the Constitution and the legislation


Torture prohibition was written into the Constitution (art. 22) and the Penal Code (art. 231-1 to 231-8). These articles stipulate a sentence of five to fifteen years and a 10,000 to 30,000 dirham fee when the acts are committed by civil servants.

The United Nations Convention against Torture (UNCAT) was

ratified in 1993

signed in 1986

There is currently no specific mechanism provided to protect detained people against physical or verbal violence and sexual harassment. The penitentiary law project, which is currently under discussion, aims to prohibit this violence.

All allegations and suspicions of ill-treatment inflicted on incarcerated people are logged


Some allegations of ill-treatment are recorded when grievances are addressed to prison administration management or human rights organisations.
In 2015, Amnesty International noted the indifference of magistrates when facing allegations of torture and ill-treatment, even when the prisoners present with apparent signs of violence. The association notes that the magistrates do not honour their obligation to investigate and order an independent medical-legal exam at any hint of abuse. The rare exams led do not conform with international standards.1

In the context of their initial training, prison staff follow modules for torture in detention prevention:

  • one three-hour module on ethics

  • two three-hour modules on human rights

  • one three-hour module on anti-torture laws

Doctors are not trained to identify signs of torture. Exams are not independent and impartial.
Victims of ill-treatment in custody meet difficulties in assembling necessary evidence to make a complaint. They are in custody almost all the time in order to let injuries fade away. They are then placed in pre-trial imprisonment where it is impossible for them to consult an independent doctor. Amnesty International reports cases where, while the victims had access to a hospital, they refused to issue a certificate. Admissions and releases have not been written in the registers.1

Number of recorded violent acts between incarcerated people


/ prison service, Report 2021, p. 146, tableau 33.

The number of violent acts recorded between prisoners increases by 7,68 % between 2020 (6 222)1 and 2021 (6 700).

  1. prison administration, Rapport 2021, p. 146, tableau 33. 

The existing regulations do not include protection against physical or verbal violence and sexual harassment between prisoners.

Each prison facility keeps an updated record of violence between incarcerated people


Acts of violence between incarcerated people are investigated


Number of complaints filed by incarcerated people against the prison administration


/ prison service, Report 2021, p. 149, tableau 38.

The number of complaints lodged against the administration by detainees increased by 33.8% between 2020 (1,477)1 and 2021 (1,976).

The two main reasons for complaints in 2021 and 2020, are :

  • Healthcare: 702 (2021)
  • Abuse: 643 (2021)

  1. prison service, Report 2020, p. 156, tableau 36. 

Prisoners have the possibility to submit a complaint against the prison administration to the CNDH. A mailbox system was put in place in the centre of the facility. The Inter-Ministerial Delegation for Human Rights (DIDH) is responsible for delivering the mail to the CNDH and the Executive Officer of the Prison Administration.

The law provides that prisoners can also communicate their grievances concerning the prison organisation and operations. Grievances can be submitted to the head of the prison, the prison executive officer, judicial authorities, or the provincial inspection commission. Prisoners have the right to request to be heard by the administrative and judicial authorities or by NGOs in the instances of visits or inspections (article 98 and 99, sections three - Law 23/98).

The CNDH is the independent body responsible for receiving prisoners’ complaints.

The Optional Protocol to the Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (OPCAT) was

ratified in 2014

The ratification of OPCAT compelled the Moroccan state to implement a National Preventive Mechanism (NPM) to fight torture before 24 December 2015.

An NPM has been established

yes, in 2018

Name of the NPM

National Human Rights Council (CNDH)

The Moroccan Parliament adopted, in February 2018, the related law to reorganise CNDH. This law attributes the NPM mandate to CNDH.

The NPM has come into office


The entry into function will be during 2020. The CNDH has the mission to protect and defend human rights and freedoms in Morocco. The regional CNDH commission makes visits to places that are deprived of liberty and oversees human rights violation cases (loi 15/76 de relative à la réorganisation du CNDH).

The Subcommittee for the Prevention of Torture (SPT) has visited the country

yes, in 2017

Its report was made public


The SPT report by the Moroccan Authorities is still confidential.

The prison administration authorises visits from:

  • Judiciary authorities
  • Provincial committees
  • National bodies
  • Non-governmental organisations
  • Governmental departments

The law provides for a sentence adjustment system


The law provides for conditional release and royal pardon. This aims to reduce the duration of the sentence or lead to early release.

Granting a sentence reduction is the responsibility different bodies. This varies according to the type:

  • Conditional release: agreed by the order of the Ministry of Justice, following the advice of the Conditional Parole Commission. This is presided over by the Director of Criminal Affaires and Pardons.

  • Pardons: agreed by the King. They implicate the total or partial cancellation of sentences. Pardons may also be replaced by a lower sentence. It can be individual or collective. It can be demanded when public action is put in movement 1 or after the definitive sentencing.2

  1. Article 2 of the Moroccan Prison Procedure Code stipulates that “public action is exerted against the perpetrator of an infraction, their co-conspirators, or their accomplices. It is put in movement and exercised by the magistrates or public servants to which they are entrusted by the law. It can also be put into movement by the injured party “

  2. General Delegation for Prison Administration and Rehabilitation, “2018 Activities Report”, 2019, p. V (in Arabic). 

The sentence can be adjusted as soon as it is pronounced (ab initio)


Sentence adjustments can be granted during the incarceration


The conditions to claim conditional parole are 1:

  • to be sentenced for a crime and have served at least half of the sentence or; 

  • to have committed a crime or infraction with a punishment of a sentence of at least five years and have served two thirds of the sentence.

The prisoner of their family formulate the conditional parole request. These requests are addressed, at least, once per year to the Commission for Conditional Parole. The decision is made by order of the Ministry of Justice, after instruction from the Commission. Advice from the prison head and providence governor of the prisoner are notably taken into account.2

  1. Moroccan Prison Procedure Code, article 622 

  2. Reform and Conditional Parole Propositions in Moroccan Law”, A. El Idrissi in Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 2015/1 (N° 1), pp. 235-241. 

Incarcerated people can contest a negative decision of sentence adjustment

"Reform and Conditional Parole Propositions in Moroccan Law", A. El Idrissi in Revue de science criminelle et de droit pénal comparé 2015/1 (N° 1), pp. 235-241.

The law provides for a temporary release system


Permission for leave is granted by the Minister of Justice, either automatically or by proposal of the prison administration director (Prison Law, article 46). Qualifying conditions for leave are:

  • to have served half of the sentence

  • to stand out because of their good behavior

Leave does not exceed ten days. They are awarded in particular on the occasion of national or religious holidays, to maintain family connections, or prepare for the reintegration of the prisoner.

The law foresees two types of leave:

  • exceptional permission: permitted on the occasion of religious Islamic holidays (the three Eids) and Throne Day
  • provisional permission: agreed for visits to ill family members or funerals. These permissions take place with an escort, agents responsible for escorting are exempt from wearing their uniform. 1

The law provides for a sentence adjustment for medical reasons


Number of incarcerated people who have been granted a presidential pardon or amnesty during the year


/ prison service, Report 2021, p. 145, tableau 30.

The number of prisoners who have been granted a presidential pardon or amnesty decreases by 59,1 % between 2020 (9 433)1 and 2021 (3 861).

  1. prison service, Report 2020, p. 153, tableau 28. 

  • To mark the country’s Manifesto of Independence Day, King Mohammed VI has granted clemency to 991 prisoners: 707 prisoners received reduced sentences, while 284 people, currently free from prison, were granted royal pardons. One prisoner on death row had their sentence switched to life in prison. Nine others had their life sentences commuted to fixed-term imprisonments.

    / Morocco World News

The King can declare pardons with one of the following stipulations:

  • reduction of the sentence duration
  • release of the prisoner concerned
  • sentence cancellation
  • death sentence changed to life sentence

The pardon commission, under the responsibility of the Directorate of Criminal Affaires and Pardons (Ministry of Justice) is responsible for deliberation. Their decision is sent to the King. Pardons are announced during the three large Islamic religious festivals (Eid) and the four national holidays.