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The cost of phone calls is in line with market prices


Call charges are borne by the inmate (Article 39, paragraph 1, of the PBW).
Teleo is the private telecommunications provider. Its prices are inflated.

Acts of violence between prisoners are investigated


Members of the medical staff informed a CPT delegation in 2016 that cases of violence, particularly altercations between prisoners, were not systematically reported to the investigative authorities.

  • [Dernières informations disponibles]
    Des membres du personnel médical informent, en 2016, une délégation du CPT que les autorités chargées des enquêtes ne se voient pas systématiquement signaler les cas de violences, en particulier des rixes entre détenus.

    / CPT

In accordance with the Istanbul Protocol, medical staff undergo training to identify signs of torture or ill-treatment.

  • According to the testimonies of medical staff gathered by a delegation from the European Committee for the Prevention of Torture (CPT) in 2016, cases of traumatic injuries are not duly recorded.

    / CPT

The prison service is required to meet nutritional standards regarding quality and quantity


Prisoners complain about the poor quality and low quantity of food served by the Sodexo group.

  • Des chercheurs ont mis en évidence le lien entre mauvaise qualité nutritionnelle de la nourriture et comportement des détenus (dépression, agressivité, repli sur soi). Les services de restauration des prisons aux Pays-Bas ne fournissent pas de nourriture suffisamment riche en vitamines et en minéraux, se contentant de plats rapides et peu onéreux.

    / Dutch News

Prisoners are allowed to cook in their cells or in a shared space


  • i
    / Trouw