El Salvador
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El Salvador: coming face to face with prisoners in the country's mega-jail
Since the Cecot (Centre for the Confinement of Terrorism) opened on 31 January 2023, the BBC had repeatedly requested access to the mega-prison. It was finally granted two days after President Nayib Bukele claimed victory in the presidential election held on 4 February.El Salvador: mass trials planned for those imprisoned in gang crackdown
New rules passed by El Salvador’s congress Wednesday will allow courts to try accused gang members in mass trials, in an effort to expedite tens of thousands of cases for those detained under the country’s crackdown on street gangs.
Salvador: hijos de reclusas, los más afectados después del traslado en cárcel de mujeres
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Salvador: procurador Apolonio Tobar confirma muerte de detenidos bajo régimen de excepción en el país
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Salvador: más de 400 reas fueron trasladadas de cárcel de mujeres
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Salvador: un líder pandillero condenado a más de mil años de cárcel
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Salvador: denuncian omisión en muerte de reos
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Salvador: la CIDH exige a El Salvador mejorar las condiciones de sus cárceles
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Salvador: Denuncian torturas a capturados durante régimen de excepción
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Salvador: LPG Datos | El 28.5 % de los ciudadanos conoce de alguna detención que considera injusta
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Salvador : Incrementa el peligro en las cárceles
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El Salvador es responsable por la detención, condena y muerte de una mujer que sufrió una emergencia obstétrica
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El Salvador: violation of woman's rights who had abortion and died in prison, court rules
The Inter-American Court of Human Rights ruled on Tuesday that El Salvador had violated the rights of a woman who was sent to prison for breaching the country’s tough abortion laws and died while serving her 30-year sentence.
El Salvador: el caso de Cindy Erazo y qué supone su liberación para otras 18 mujeres condenadas por la estricta ley contra la interrupción del embarazo
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El Salvador: "son criminales y no están con este gobierno"
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El Salvador: pandilleros rivales intentan convivir en cárcel
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El Salvador : hacinamiento, crimen y virus, la historia detrás de las fotos de presos
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El Salvador : imposes maximum security prison lockdowns after homicide spree organised from behind bars
El Salvador president Nayib Bukele ordered a 24-hour lockdown of prisons containing gang members, and said their leaders would be sent into solitary confinement after a sudden spike in homicides. The remarkable announcement was made last Friday, after a series of grisly incidents were reported to h…El Salvador: where social distancing is impossible
Latin America has some of the most overcrowded jails in the world. With prisoners crammed into tiny cells by the dozen, social distancing is impossible and poor medical facilities mean any outbreak of coronavirus would spread like wildfire. The United Nations has urged governments to do more to pro…
El Salvador: la emergencia nacional en las cárceles
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