
A chain of imprisonment

A life marked by deprivation of liberty

< image © Valentin Lombardi.

Soheil Arabi is an Iranian blogger and photojournalist. He has been imprisoned for several years due for his activism. During his time in prison, he spoke out extensively about detention conditions and defended prisoners’ rights, notably by leading several hunger strikes. Numerous national and international civil society organisations mobilised to defend his cause.

Some time ago, Soheil contacted us to tell his story. The exchanges lasted several months, interspersed with another period of imprisonment. Because of the difficulties of meas of communication and language, it has been a long process for us to be able to publish it. His story remains as important as ever. Despite the passage of time, it has unfortunately not aged a day.

— This article is part of the series Caught in the Spiral.

My life has been marked by deprivation of liberty.

In high-security detention centres, the accused is locked up in solitary confinement and subjected to frequent interrogations.

Being transferred to another cell or prison is one of the worst tortures.

The living conditions in this prison are so difficult that people are willing to do anything to be transferred to another facility.

People in prison work almost for free.