
// A series of testimonials of “a typical day in prison” (10)*

Days go by, but just like outside prison, no two days in prison are ever the same. Prison conditions, the daily routine, possible visitors, medical treatment, food, or even access to the right of defence, vary greatly from one prison to another, and from one country to another. Prison Insider publishes testimonials from people who have been, or are currently in prison, and from people who are able to share their experience. This series of testimonials, “A typical day in prison”, puts the truth behind worldwide prison conditions into words.

B. was imprisoned for four years in Swaziland. As a 27-years-old political activist fighting for democracy, he was arrested, beaten, and tortured. Charged with terrorism, he was incarcerated between June 2010 and February 2014 in Sidvwashini prison, located in Mbabane, the capital of the country. He tells Prison Insider his story.

Prison is no child’s play. It can make or break the spirit of the prisoner.

You would find yourself at the verge of crying due to the very cold condition, only the fear of being embarrassed for shedding tears in public could hold you back.

Prison failed to break me