Inspected (Görülmüştür) is a Turkish organisation aiming to shed light on prisons in the country. Its name is a nod to the stamp used by penitentiary staff who mark prison mail for inspection. Each year, the organisation selects a theme, and prisoners are invited to produce art, including, stories, poems, paintings and cartoons on the topic. The works are then exhibited in cities across the country, as well as in Germany, Austria and France.
Inspected has teamed up with Redfotograf to facilitate a collaboration between 50 photographers and 50 political prisoners. Each prisoner submits a short story or a poem for which a photographer provides a photo to accompany and illustrate the submission. This partnership may involve several back-and-forth discussions to ensure the text and image speak to one another. The project culminates in the exhibition: ‘The Voice of Freedom’.
Adil Okay is a photographer and curator of the exhibition. Prison Insider met with him in February 2024 at the exhibitions’ venues in Paris, where he immersed us in the words and images of the project’s partnerships. Focus.
I was heartbroken. Even though I had never met him, I felt as if I had lost a family member.

Collectif Vu
Le Collectif Vu (Görülmüştür) est une organisation turque qui vise à mettre en lumière les prisons du pays. Le nom de l’organisation fait référence au tampon de contrôle apposé par les autorités pénitentiaires sur les enveloppes de correspondance. Chaque année, un thème est choisi et des personnes détenues sont invitées à produire des œuvres d’art telles que des peintures, des histoires, des poèmes et des caricatures. Les œuvres sont ensuite exposées dans plusieurs villes du pays, ainsi qu’en Europe.